Tag Archives: Wind

Ezekiel 37:9 – Blowing Bubbles

Then He said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.’” Ezekiel 37:9 NLT


Image courtesy Mama Joules

We got some bubbles this week, which for a three year old is a little like winning the lottery. So we went outside to blow some bubbles. So I fought to get the wand out of the container, and finally raised the wand to blow some bubbles. Before I could, they were streaming across the yard and my son took off chasing them. He must have chased a nearly endless stream of bubbles for about 10 minutes. Finally he wore out a bit and decided he wanted to blow bubbles.

Me: I don’t think you can buddy.
M: But I want to.
Me: Well I haven’t been blowing the bubbles.
M: (giggly) Yes you haaave!
Me: No, watch. (Dip wand, raise hand, watch bubbles fly.) What happened?
Me: And who tells the wind to blow?
M: God and Jesus.
Me: So who blew the bubbles?
M: Jesus.
Me: That’s right buddy.

Where’s the area in your life where all you want to do is blow bubbles? The place where, every time you seem to get things lined up, something changes? Not for the worse, necessarily, nor for the better; just differently than you intended? If God is sending wind your way, He may just be trying to help you along. It can be tough to follow God’s will when you’re busy resetting for your own.

Are you trying to blow the bubbles, rather than letting God blow them so you can chase them?

This week, I’m sensing I need to connect deeper with God via creation. If you have something in creation you connect deeply with God through, please let me know so I can learn with you. Also, I wasn’t consciously aware Earth Day was this week, until it came and went. You can decide whether that’s coincidental or not.

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1 Kings 19:12 – Whisper

And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:12 NLT

It amazes me how much kids learn. About the only thing that amazes me more is how much we have to learn as parents. As we learn to parent, we learn about God by trying to be like Him. After all, He is our Father. (Luuuke, I AM. Hahaha, sorry.)


Image courtesy Bobbi

I bet 90% of you are thinking, “he’s gonna go with ‘not everybody gets it right.'” Not so fast, my friend! Before I go the obvious route, which you are correct — I am going — it never hurts to be reminded the importance of a healthy fear of God. Elijah saw mountains torn apart by wind, followed by an earthquake, followed by what I would assume was a raging fire, and knew God wasn’t in those things. Elijah knew to fear God. In his respectful fear of God, he was able to stand before when the storm passed and God came as a whisper.

So, too, with your parenting. If you howl like wind, or explode like an earthquake, or rage like a fire, your kids won’t be impressed. They may fear you now, but they won’t respect you later. You must learn to whisper.

I struggle with this. “Greatly” would be putting it mildly. I’m learning to whisper. And I’m learning again how quickly kids learn. I’m learning how to show my sons who God is. And I’m learning again how eager they are to please us. Are you taking the time to whisper? Are you taking the time to listen for God’s whisper so you may please Him?

This week, I’m sensing I need to connect deeper with God via creation. If you have something in creation you connect deeply with God through, please let me know so I can learn with you.

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